BD 368650 Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needles with Pre-Attached Holder 21 Gauge X 1.25” Thin Wall, 100/case
The Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needles with Pre-Attached Holder are designed for safe and easy blood collection. The holder ensures that the needle is always in the correct position, and the integrated shield helps to protect the healthcare worker from accidental needle sticks. The needles are made from premium grade stainless steel, and are available in a range of sizes to suit all needs.
The BD Vacutainer® Eclipse™ Needle with Pre-Attached Holder is a ready-to-use needle that complies with OSHA SHIB 10-15-03 (Disposal of Contaminated Needles and Blood Tube Holders Used for Phlebotomy). It has many features making it the perfect solution for any healthcare setting.
Hassle-free Usage. With one-handed safety activation, the Vacutainer Eclipse Needle with Pre-Attached Holder is easy-to-use and requires minimal change to a medical professional’s regular technique. The safety-activation reduces exposure time and requires no hard surface. A “Bevel up” orientation toward the pink safety shield provides easy recognition of bevel position. The needle features a safety shield that protects patients and users against needle stick injury and allows hands to remain behind the needle at all times. This device uses the BD Precision Glide™ Needle Technology to guarantee the highest-quality and sharpness of it.
BD 368650 21G x 1¼”, 100/case