BD 368651 Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needles with Pre-Attached Holder 22 Gauge X 1.25” Thin Wall, 100/case
The Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needles with Pre-Attached Holder are designed to provide a simple and efficient blood collection experience. The needles are attached to a holder that is designed to keep the needles in place, which makes it easier to hold and reduces the risk of accidental needle sticks.
The BD Vacutainer® Eclipse™ Needle with Pre-Attached Holder is a ready-to-use needle that complies with OSHA SHIB 10-15-03 (Disposal of Contaminated Needles and Blood Tube Holders Used for Phlebotomy). It has many features making it the perfect solution for any healthcare setting.
Hassle-free Usage. With one-handed safety activation, the Vacutainer Eclipse Needle with Pre-Attached Holder is easy-to-use and requires minimal change to a medical professional’s regular technique. The safety-activation reduces exposure time and requires no hard surface. A “Bevel up” orientation toward the pink safety shield provides easy recognition of bevel position. The needle features a safety shield that protects patients and users against needle stick injury and allows hands to remain behind the needle at all times. This device uses the BD Precision Glide™ Needle Technology to guarantee the highest-quality and sharpness of it.
BD 368651 22G x 1¼”, 100/case