Epidural Tray Perifix Single Shot Tuohy Set 20 Gauge with Syringe, Lidocaine 1%, Sodium Chloride 0.9%, 18 G x 1.5 Inch Needle 10/Case
An Epidural Tray Perifix Single Shot Tuohy 20 Gauge with Syringe is a medical equipment kit used in administering epidural anesthesia. It consists of a needle, syringe, and various medications including lidocaine 1% and sodium chloride 0.9%. The needle is 18 gauge and 1.5 inches long, designed for ease of insertion into the epidural space. This type of tray is typically used for a single dose administration of anesthesia. The Tuohy design of the needle allows for greater control and accuracy during the procedure. The lidocaine is a local anesthetic used to numb the area, while the sodium chloride is a sterile solution used to flush the epidural space and ensure proper injection. Overall, this tray is a comprehensive and convenient option for performing epidural anesthesia.
Included in Kit:
Plastic Luer Lock Syringe, Lidocaine 1%, Sodium Chloride 0.9%, Needle 18 G x 1.5 Inch, Skin Wheal Needle 25 G x 1.5 Inch, Syringe 3 mL Luer Lock , Syringe 10 mL Luer Lock, Povidone Iodine and 3 Swabsticks, 4 Gauze Squares 3 x 3, Clear Fenestrated Drape, Paper Towel, Syringe Labels, Flexweb Packaging.
How to Use Epidural Tray Perifix Single Shot Tuohy 20 Gauge kit:
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the epidural tray.
2. Lay out all the components of the kit on a clean and flat surface.
3. Identify the following components: Tuohy needle, epidural catheter, syringes, local anesthetic, and sterile gauze.
4. Check the expiration date on all the components to ensure they are not expired.
5. Assemble the Tuohy needle and syringe by twisting the syringe onto the needle hub.
6. Use the syringe to aspirate the local anesthetic into the syringe following the instructions on the package.
7. Position the patient in a sitting or lying down position with their back exposed.
8. Clean the injection site with antiseptic solution using circular motions starting from the center of the site.
9. Apply a sterile drape over the injection site to create a sterile field.
10. Using aseptic technique, insert the Tuohy needle into the injection site at the chosen vertebral level.
11. Advance the needle slowly at an angle of 5-10 degrees towards the cephalad direction until it reaches the epidural space, which can be confirmed by the “loss of resistance” technique.
12. Slowly aspirate the syringe to check for any blood or cerebrospinal fluid. Do not inject if these are present.
13. Once in the epidural space, remove the stylet and advance the epidural catheter through the needle.
14. Secure the catheter in place using the adhesive strips provided in the kit.
15. Remove the Tuohy needle by holding onto the catheter, pulling it back slightly, and removing the needle.
16. Connect the syringe filled with the local anesthetic to the port of the catheter and slowly inject the desired amount of medication.
17. Once the medication has been injected, remove the syringe and attach the medication administration set to the catheter for continuous infusion if needed.
18. Secure the catheter further using sterile gauze and tape.
19. Flush the catheter with sterile saline before and after medication administration to ensure patency.
20. Dispose of all used materials in a proper biohazard waste bin according to the facility’s protocol.
Note: It is essential to follow appropriate technique, monitor the patient for any adverse reactions and complications, and document the procedure in the patient’s medical records.