GamaSTAN Immune Globulin Treatment 16% Single-Dose Vial ** Requires Refrigeration (RX)
GamaSTAN Immune Globulin Single-Dose Vial is a sterile, preservative-free solution containing human immune globulin (IgG) antibodies. GamaSTAN Immune Globulin is used to provide passive immunity for individuals who have been exposed to certain diseases, such as hepatitis A, measles, rubella, or chickenpox. GamaSTAN is used as a post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent or minimize the severity of the disease. It is also used in the treatment of certain immune deficiencies or autoimmune disorders. GamaSTAN is administered by injection and works by providing immediate, temporary protection against the disease in question until the person’s own immune system can produce enough antibodies to fight off the infection. It is available by prescription only and should only be used under the direction and supervision of a healthcare provider.
Mechanism of Action for GamaSTAN Immune Globulin:
GamaSTAN Immune Globulin Single-Dose Vial is a human serum-derived immunoglobulin containing a high concentration of antibodies against the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The mechanism of action of this medication is based on the passive immunity transfer, which means that it provides immediate temporary protection against HAV by providing preformed anti-HAV antibodies to the person receiving it. These antibodies work by binding to the HAV and preventing it from infecting cells in the body, thereby reducing the risk of developing hepatitis A infection. Additionally, GamaSTAN can also activate the body’s own immune response against the virus. This helps to clear the virus from the body and provides long-term protection against future infections.
Indications and Usage for GamaSTAN:
GAMASTAN is a human immune globulin indicated for:
Hepatitis A
GAMASTAN is indicated for prophylaxis following exposure to hepatitis A.(1,2) The prophylactic value of GAMASTAN is greatest when given before or soon after exposure to hepatitis A. GAMASTAN is not indicated in persons with clinical manifestations of hepatitis A or in those exposed more than 2 weeks previously.
Measles (Rubeola)
GAMASTAN is indicated to prevent or modify measles in a susceptible person exposed fewer than 6 days previously.(3) A susceptible person is one who has not been vaccinated and has not had measles previously.
GAMASTAN is indicated to modify varicella. Passive immunization against varicella in immunosuppressed patients is best accomplished by use of Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (Human). If unavailable, GAMASTAN, promptly given, may also modify varicella.
GAMASTAN is indicated to modify rubella in exposed women who will not consider a therapeutic abortion.
Some studies suggest that the use of GAMASTAN in exposed, susceptible women can lessen the likelihood of infection and fetal damage; therefore, GAMASTAN may benefit those women who will not consider a therapeutic abortion.(7)
Do not give GAMASTAN for routine prophylaxis of rubella in early pregnancy to an unexposed woman.
Buy GamaSTAN Immune Globulin Treatment and human immune globulin (IgG) antibodies here at Mountainside Medical Equipment.