Red Rubber Robinson Catheter with 2 Eyes
Red Rubber Robinson Catheter with 2 Eyes is a urinary catheter that is designed for patients how require optimal bladder drainage in a superior radiopaque catheter that is easy to see on medical x-ray’s. Made with a latex rubber material, this non-sterile rubber catheter features two drainage eyes and is comparable in quality to Bard brand Foley catheters.
Robinson Catheter Features:
- Radiopaque
- Latex rubber catheter
- Two drainage eyes
- Single-use
- Non-sterile
- Available in 5 French sizes
How can a Robinson catheter help me?
Each type of catheter is designed for its own specific purpose. A foley catheter, for example, includes a bulb at one end to help it stay in the bladder for extended periods of time. The Robinson catheter does not. Therefore, it was designed to be used intermittently, as needed. This would be particularly helpful for patients experiencing urine retention. That occurs when either the bladder muscles cannot contract, or the sphincter muscles cannot relax to excrete urine. This type of patient would use the catheter, like this smooth red rubber catheter,  at scheduled times of the day to release the urine from their bladder.